Chicago Arts Center Non-Profit Organization

Providing Empowering Programs to Chicago Public Schools (CPS):

1) Core Writing Program, 2) Print & Internet Publishing Program, 3) Arts Integration Program, 4) Arts Festival Program.

cAc Mission: To unite individuals through the transformative joy of movement,

creating connections that inspire understanding, respect, and a shared love for the diverse cultural heritage that defines our city.

cAc Underlying Elements of the Mission and the Problem it Solves: As we head into the real 21st century, where Gen-Alpha, who's raised by Millennials, are the first Generation to be born, impacted by COVID, and brought into the fully immersive Tech Revolution environment, and for the first time, young impressionable minds are being programmed by big-tech capitol-driven corporations, where the "active" cultural activities, family communications and interactions, are being replaced by the computer, cell phone or tablet screen, demanding their attention, with virtual engagements like AI generated entertainment, from games like Fortnite, along with growing up and being assimilated into the social media cult-culture. Causing these conditions:

Physical Disorders, like vascular problems, lower back pain and spine issues, heart disease, weight gain an obesity, cancer from a sedentary lifestyle.

Mental Disorders, like OCD, ADHD, PTSD, dissocialization, short attention span causing anxiety in the natural environment, polarization, an addiction to the app/platform, agitation, rage leading to violence or violent thoughts.

Social Disorders that cause loneliness, FOMO (fear of being left out), feeling of isolation, body image issues, depression, low self esteem, misinformation thoughts, non-human interaction syndrome.

Human evolution and wellbeing needs both, technology and rooted-culture from ones heritage, not one or the other. The underlying mission is to regain, create, make available again, and preserve cultural dance that’ll provide alternatives, and options, as we zoom into the 21st century with Gen-Alpha, who need us to help them include, and balance their culture, heritage, with a grounding to mother earth, along-with the modern, entitled, high-tech, self absorbing, global economy world, and the multi-digital environments they virtually learn from, and that they live in today.